About Simple Doc Filings

We help you start your business

We are here to help you start your business and get the expert help advice you need.

 Why Simple Doc Filings Was Started

Starting a business can be very challenging and scary at the same time. Simple Doc Filings was started to help make this process a little bit easier. Having an idea about wanting to start a business and actually having an EIN number, a business bank account and paying customers is a huge step to take that very few people actually do. 

We have over 20 years of experience helping companies start their business successfully. This service was started to help give people the guidance an expert advice during the business set up process. The founders of this company have experienced almost every mishap and painful mistake in business you can imagine. Since they have made these mistakes they can help keep you from making the same time consuming and costly mistakes. 

There’s so many different roles and functions you have to manage as a business owner I can seem almost impossible at times. But if you break them down into their individual pieces then they become manageable tasks. There’s a famous quote that says how do you eat an elephant, and the answer is one bite at a time. The same is true of starting a business.

When the founders started their various businesses along time ago they did not have the help in guidance like they are providing on this website. What are your soon realize when you start a business is that you’re not just servicing customers you are doing a lot of admin tasks and tasks related to taxes they didn’t plan on to make your business function and run. These are all outside of doing what you do best which is serving your customers. This is the part that almost everybody hates but we have to do it so the service is here to help you during this process and get your business setup right from the start so you minimize non customer servicing related activites.